LearnLive BC is the Government of British Columbia's website on studying in British Columbia, Canada.
This website is designed to answer any questions you may have about coming to study here in British Columbia. It will give you an overview of our internationally recognized education system, details about programs, schools and institutions, contact information, and requirements for studying in Canada. The information on LearnLiveBC will help you pick the right program in the best school for you.
This site will help guide you through:
- Learning in British Columbia
- Living in British Columbia
- Working in British Columbia
- Toolkits to help you plan
- Contact information for K-12 schools and post-secondary institutions in British Columbia
For more information about international education contact:
Government of B.C.
International Education
PO Box 9894, Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9B5
Are you a B.C. student looking for the opportunity to study abroad? Do you want to explore the world while obtaining a degree or other credential? Visit our website on studying and working abroad!